Community Activity Fees & Teacher Appreciation

Community Activity Fees & Teacher Appreciation

Thank you for helping us put on community events and show teacher appreciation! Park Day families are invited to make a sliding scale contribution annually towards supporting important activities that help build community at Park Day.  These funds are used by the Parent Stewardship Group for things like the Back to School Picnic, Affinity Group gatherings, Teacher Appreciation activities, the Parent Ed speaker series, the Coffee Cart, and more. These strengthen overall family connections and help build a stronger community by helping parents plug in and volunteer to support Park Day School. Thanks for supporting our teachers and community!

Park Day families are invited to make a sliding scale contribution annually towards supporting important activities that help build community at Park Day.  These funds are used by the Parent Stewardship Group for things like the Back to School Picnic, Affinity Group gatherings, Teacher Appreciation activities, the Parent Ed speaker series, the Coffee Cart, and more. These strengthen overall family connections and help build a stronger community by helping parents plug in and volunteer to support Park Day School.