IYKMM Season 2 Review πŸ‘‚πŸ½πŸŽΆ

IYKMM Season 2 Review

Season 3 of Park Day’s signature equity-centered podcast is around the corner and this week we’re helping you get ready with a retrospective season 2 review! This is a perfect episode for new community members or anyone interested in hearing about the student podcast experience, directly from students. This episode includes 51 different voices. Hear what they have to say about what they liked, learned and what they’re looking forward to for season 3! πŸ‘‚πŸ½πŸŽΆ


Executive Producer: Arjuna Sayyed

Associate Producer: Jeanine Harmon

IYKMM Logo: Christina Chung

IYKMM Intro Vocals: Adian Plowe and Lisa Ostapinski, Naomi Crawford, Djumi Sayyed and Angela Taylor.

If You Knew Me Mondays Playlist