Welcome Packet

Congratulations! Park Day School is delighted to invite your family to join our school community. This page includes information about the upcoming school year (including information about hot lunch, after school, and the school calendar).

To reserve your place at Park Day School, please initial and sign the online enrollment agreement by the date listed on your welcome email.

Along with your submitted contract you will be asked to submit a 10% non-refundable deposit via credit card or bank draft, and may choose a tuition payment plan of 1 payment, 2 payments, or an extended monthly payments which begins next month. Indexed tuition information for those who applied for the program is included in individual online contracts. We hope you’ll stay in touch with us through your decision making process so we can answer any questions you may have.

If you have any questions or if you’d like to revisit campus, email josie.agshapiro@parkdayschool.org. Below are the cell numbers of current Park Day families who you can contact if you have questions best answered from a parent perspective. Families listed below know to expect text messages should you wish to set up time to talk. if you’d like to connect with someone who has a particular identity or experience, just let Josie know!

Park Day Parents (students started in Kindergarten unless otherwise indicated):

  • Munguia/Moran Family: 650-521-2909/310-701-1277 (Kindergarten)
  • Donnelly/Carroll Family*: 510-333-1558 (Kindergarten)
  • Bowry/Port Family: 917-509-8818/917-509-5739 (1st grade)
  • Kelly/Wolfe-Roubatis Family: 410-340-1927 (1st grade)
  • Walter/Horwitz Family: 202-680-9534/630-915-2953 (1st grade)
  • Moreno/Kuhner Family: 510-316-0377 (1st/3rd)
  • Theobald-Anderson Family**: 630-229-1102/847-772-8273 (2nd)
  • Douglas/Parran Family*: 202-489-4663 (3rd, started 1st)
  • DeBree Family: 510-484-6149/415-596-7848 (5th/7th)
  • Kahn Family: 510-282-8276 (5th/8th)
  • Thompson/Luther Family*:  323-717-9823 (6th, started 6th)
  • Amerson Family: 312-208-1954 (7th, started 6th)
  • Brink Family: 415-235-7994 (7th, started 5th)
  • Weeramantry Family: 408-314-7895/415-694-8614 (7th & alum; started 6th)

 *Member of Families with Children of Color Affinity Group
** LGTBQ Identifying Family

We all look forward to hearing from you!


Josie A.G. Shapiro
Chief Enrollment & Admission Officer

Navigate to the ASAP webpage or click below to learn more about our Extended Day Program:

Click below to learn more about our Hot Lunch program: